Friday, August 26, 2011

Lync – Enable Remote Call Control on all Users

This Example is for setting up Remote Call Control (RCC) with Cisco Unified Presence Server (CUPS). This example used IPPhone property in Active Directory (AD) which is mapped to Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM). That could be swapped out with where you store your extensions. After following the instructions in the reference below for CUPS I needed to enable users in Lync for RCC. Below is a script that pulls users from AD based by Organizational Unit (OU) and where ipphone is not null. Last part is piping that into set-CsUser using Account Name to create my Sip Address and Sip URI for line monitoring.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Import-Module Lync

Get-ADUser -Filter "*" -Properties ipphone -SearchBase "OU=Employees,dc=ImageTrend,dc=com" `
| where {$_.ipphone -ne $null } `
| foreach{
Set-CsUser -RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled $true -Identity $_.SamAccountName -LineServerURI "sip:$($_.SamAccountName)" -LineURI "tel:$($_.ipphone)"

If you get errors with either of modules you are missing the RSAT SP1 or Lync PowerShell which is available from the Lync Install.

Enabling All Users in OU for Lync

Reference for setting up the rest of Lync and CUPS.

PowerShell – Making Comments work for you

Thought I would share this simple idea of creating sets of variables in the same PowerShell script file. You will notice that can create comments with the # symbol below.

$site = “This Site”

$IP = “”

#$site = “That Site”

#$IP = “”

To switch to block comments you can use starting (<#) and ending (#>) comment symbols like in the example below.


$site = “This Site”

$IP = “”



$site = “That Site”

$IP = “”


Managing these code blocks become very easy to just comment out the first line in the block. So essentially you are commenting out the comment starting block. Below is that example of making multi-dataset.


$site = “This Site”

$IP = “”



$site = “That Site”

$IP = “”


If you are looking for even more options for setting up comments I would strongly advise looking into the PowerShellPack. Once installed and run Import-Module PowerShellPack you can now use add-ons. The add-on switch works like advertised but will uncomment non-code lines and also remove white spaces.

Lync - Enabling an User without an email address Tip

Running examples or scripts like the one below assumes using EmailAddress as your Sip Address. If your scripting and perfer to generate your SIP address your self using the –SipAddress property. The –SipDomain and –SipAddressType allow for using Active Directory as source for creating Sip Address Dynamically.

Enable-CsUser -RegistrarPool "" -SipAddressType EmailAddress -SipDomain "" –Identity domain\LyncLookup

For my case I was able to use –SipAddressType SAMAccountName since account names are the same as the Email Addresses of the users. If a Active Directory Property is invalid you will get an Error as seen below.

Enable-CsUser : Email address is not valid. Specify a valid email address and then try again

Using –SipAddress to specify your the Sip Address would also work if your user account properties have nothing to do with your Sip deployment. The example below is the first example modified to use –SipAddress.

Enable-CsUser -RegistrarPool "" –SipAddress "" –Identity domain\LyncLookup

For more information about adding users to Lync refer to help

help –Full Enable-CsUser

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lync Group Chat–Database configuration won’t advance

Just a quick hint if can’t continue the Server Configuration Wizard after installing Lync Group Chat.


After Checking SQL Error Log if you see this error below the Database doesn’t exist while making the connection to your SQL Server.

Login failed for user 'Domain\User'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database. [CLIENT: X.X.X.X]

Creating this SQL Server Database will let the wizard will continue. For more information on creating the Group Chat Server SQL Server Database please refer to this link


if you receive the message below you need ensure you are able to connect to your SQL Server. Please refer to these links



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

CUCM - MGCP and FXS analog phone receives calls but fast busy on dial

This issue was due to previous configuration with H.323 dial peers. Using MGCP for any VOIP call would be routed to the correct voice port. My best guess is having the dial-peer that was not created from CUCM using the service MGCP would be blocked for routing. If your not getting inbound or outbound calls check to make sure CUCM is able to create new Dial-Peers upon configuration. See Example:

dial-peer voice 999010 pots
service mgcpapp
port 0/1/0

Reference: Cisco 2851

Not sure how many people are switching from H.323 to MGCP but hope this helps.