Friday, August 26, 2011

Lync – Enable Remote Call Control on all Users

This Example is for setting up Remote Call Control (RCC) with Cisco Unified Presence Server (CUPS). This example used IPPhone property in Active Directory (AD) which is mapped to Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM). That could be swapped out with where you store your extensions. After following the instructions in the reference below for CUPS I needed to enable users in Lync for RCC. Below is a script that pulls users from AD based by Organizational Unit (OU) and where ipphone is not null. Last part is piping that into set-CsUser using Account Name to create my Sip Address and Sip URI for line monitoring.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Import-Module Lync

Get-ADUser -Filter "*" -Properties ipphone -SearchBase "OU=Employees,dc=ImageTrend,dc=com" `
| where {$_.ipphone -ne $null } `
| foreach{
Set-CsUser -RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled $true -Identity $_.SamAccountName -LineServerURI "sip:$($_.SamAccountName)" -LineURI "tel:$($_.ipphone)"

If you get errors with either of modules you are missing the RSAT SP1 or Lync PowerShell which is available from the Lync Install.

Enabling All Users in OU for Lync

Reference for setting up the rest of Lync and CUPS.

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